martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

There's no such thing as....

There are no such things as perfect couples. "Perfect" means "finished". Perfect means that there's nothing left to add or to change. How could love survive in a thing as horrible as a perfect couple?
There's no such thing as everlasting love among humans. We are all finite, no "ever" can survive death, and even if it did, why should we try to make love "last"? Love is not to be forced, it is to be lived.
There are no such things as happy endings. Happiness is not a goal, it is a natural thing that comes along with living meaningfully. (And, specially, there are no such things as happy Hollywood endings)

Despite all this, there IS love. But I dare not describe it. It's just too difficult to explain love with words.

Love. Just love.

1 comentario:

  1. I do beleive in happy endings, but there is nothing after the end. I like the way you see the world :) I'm happy to read you again my friend!
